#natsue orochi x reader
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maochira · 10 months ago
Lesbian!reader as the adoptive daughter of Doppo Orochi. Her relationship to her father, mother and older brother (she would be around 18 or 19). Also how would her big bro react to learning about her crush on a girl.
Anon you just described my Baki self insert omg 😭😭 /pos But I won't write this exactly like my self insert
Tags: fem!lesbian!reader, a bit of hurt/comfort?, a little crack at the end
You were adopted as a baby, and you were about 3 years old when your brother was adopted
Doppo came home and was like "Hey I have a surprise for you" and you thought you were gonna get a new toy but no. You got an older brother
At first you handled the news awfully because you weren't used to sharing your parents' love and attention
It took a few tantrums (and a lot of comfort candy) until you accepted the news. And when you did, you immediately started clinging to Katsumi
Growing up, you and Katsumi had a fairly normal sibling relationship. Sometimes you'd have small competitions about minor things or argue about unimportant things. Besides that you've always loved to mess with your brother
Natsue is literally the best mom ever. Best mom award goes to her
She loves doing art and crafts with you and whatever you create gets displayed somewhere in the house. At this point it's just an art gallery of stuff you made
Doppo is the typical doting girl dad who sometimes needs to be reminded to not spoil you too much. He always gives you hugs that are just a little too tight and accidentally (or intentionally) says and does things that embarrass you right in front of your friends
You were always treated like "the little one who needs to be protected", which means you weren't necessarily actively encouraged to learn how to fight
Katsumi on the other hand was often reminded, especially by your mother, that he has to protect his little sister
That didn't hold you back from learning karate as well, though
Skillwise you've always been behind Katsumi by a lot. While no one really pointed out that difference, it began to frustrate you when puberty hit you and it became an insecurity
Around the time you were 15 you suddenly dropped karate. Your parents and brother often asked for the reasons and you would always respond something like "I want to focus on school" or "My other hobbies became more fun"
Katsumi eventually got the truth out of you. At first he didn't really know what to say, but he didn't want this to have any effects on your sibling bond
He tried to comfort and remind you that the difference between his and your skill doesn't matter because it's not a competition between the two of you. He tried to not push you into picking up karate again, though. He thought that might make you feel forced
You ended up getting back into karate, but wouldn't practice it as much as before. You just started having other priorities as you grew up
The first time you got a crush on a girl you decided not to mention it to anyone at first. You've been sure of being a lesbian for years but never bothered to come out to your family. You knew they'd always love you no matter what
Doppo would occasionally make jokes about how you might end up in a relationship with another underground fighter and you'd only respond how Katsumi is more likely to end up with one of them
When Katsumi finds out about your crush on a girl he just points at you and yells "GIRLLIKER!" Then you point back at him and yell "BOYKISSER!"
Doppo and Natsue overhear that and there's not much of a reaction cause. They already figured out you're into girls
If you liked this, please remember to reblog and add your thoughts in the tags! That's the best way to support and motivate me!
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iskratempestmadness · 7 months ago
Hi! I really like your Baki headcanons, so I was wondering if I could headcanons for the boys having a small s/o like a lot or more shorter?
Okay, let's do it.
I'm going to try a new format to describe more characters.
A thing from a high shelf
It was quite funny to watch. Honestly. He was probably trying not to laugh. But the picture he saw was funny, a little awkward, but undoubtedly sweet. The thing is, you've been trying to get a pack of cookies from the top shelf for a while now. While you were trying to finish the job you started, for some reason the idea of taking a chair did not occur to you. And of course your height was certainly not playing in your favor right now. So small and neat, you jumped, stood on chains, stretched and, alas, could not get the coveted pack in any way. And of course, this charming picture was accompanied by grumbling that the cookies could have been placed lower, and that it was probably done on purpose.
So how could he not help you? Of course he did. Coming up behind you, it took him a little effort to get the cookies off the shelf.
It has probably already become clear that he extremely likes your height and for this reason it becomes the reason for many of his jokes.
Yuuichirou Hanma, Chiharu Shiba, Retsu Kayoh, Atsushi Suedou, Jun Guevara
wearing on your shoulders
Not so long ago you decided to make a habit of walking in the park. However, with your boyfriend, every walk turned into a race. And this time was no exception.
So, as usual, you were walking behind and were already several dozen steps behind because of the length of your legs, and he was walking ahead with an energetic step, and for you he was flying, again because of the length of his legs. When you asked him to slow down for the hundredth time, he stopped. The moment you reached him, he picked you up in his arms and a second later you were sitting on his shoulders. Because of your height, your dangling legs barely reached his abs. The hands were on his head, gently running through his short hair.
... It was unexpected and perhaps sweet.
But that's only on your part. He was rather embarrassed at that moment. But he does not deny the fact that it is doubly pleasant for him to walk with you like this.
Jack Hanma, Hanayama Kaoru, Hector Doyle, Dorian, Kato Kiyosumi (he liked it between Your legs), Biscuit Oliva, Nomi no Sukune
You're wearing clothes
Perhaps lately you've been noticing posts in your feed too often about how girls took guys' clothes for themselves. Someone complained about it and was outraged, someone liked it and thought it was cute. You've never done anything like this. Well, the hour of your debut has come.
When your boyfriend came home, the first thing he felt was the smell of dinner. He could clearly hear the smell of baked chicken and potatoes, as well as the notes of salad. And of course the first thing he did was head to the kitchen. And bingo! He guessed right. The appetizing-smelling chicken was cooking in the oven, and at that time you were busy with the salad.
But there was something else that he noticed. He recognized one of his hoodies on you. Oh, don't worry, she sat on you wonderfully! Despite the fact that it was a little too long, the sleeves were long and the neckline was a little wide.
And.. it caused emotions. At first, a slight surprise, and later it was replaced by tenderness and quiet joy.
He definitely has a couple dozen of that image in his phone.
Baki Hanma, Kozue Motsumoto, Orochi Kastumi, Orochi Natsue, Tokugawa Mitsunari (in this case, the clothes just fit), Sikorsky (the coat was stolen), Koushou Shinogi
Oh, it's uncritical for him, trust me. He has eyes, he knew who he was meeting and immediately appreciated your size. So... Your height is just your height. He doesn't attach much importance to it. However, he will support you if you have complexes about it.
Yujiro hanma, Orochi Doppo, Kaku Kayoh, Shibukawa Goki, Ryuukou Yanagi, Spec, Kureha Shinogi
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quennyquinn · 7 months ago
invitados no invitados
doppo, entrando a su casa: Hola, gente que no vive aquí.
baki: Hola.
katou: Hola.
retsu: Hola.
Atsushi Suedou: saludos
doppo: ¡Te di la llave de mi casa solo para emergencias!
katou: la señora natsue, hizo estofado de res a la pimienta
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quennyquinn · 1 year ago
t/n: Las reglas están hechas para romperse.
retsu: Fueron hechos para ser seguidos. Nada está hecho para romperse.
baki: Uh, piñatas.
doppo: Barras luminosas.
katsumi: Tablas de Karate.
natsue: Espaguetis cuando tengas una olla pequeña.
t/n: Reglas.
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quennyquinn · 1 year ago
Rica y mimada T/N, siempre sabe todo
Kozue está preocupada, mentira, está muerta de preocupación baki no aparece por ningún lado por casi una semana, no contesta su teléfono, no va a la escuela, no está en su casa se ve por la fina capa de polvo, ya ha hablado con doppo orochi, katsumi orochi, con hanayama Kaoru, retsu kaioh, Mitsunari Tokugawa, Gouki Shibukawa y nada, baki parece que se lo trago la tierra lo que preocupo a todos.
Así que kozue junto con todos los mencionados están en la oficina de Tokugawa, están tratando de pensar que paso con baki, ya casi a las cuatro de la mañana cando kozue tiene una idea que tal vez sea estúpida, pero está desesperada……llamar a T/N.
Así que en altavoz kozue llama a T/N, frente a todos.
T/N: -durmiendo felizmente en su cama-…hola, con quien hablo?
Kozue: T/N, sé que es tarde, pero es una emergencia.
T/N: ¿emergencia?, que paso quebró dior?
Kosue: no, dior está bien.
T/N: ¿le paso algo a natsue orochi?
Kosue: que…
Doppo orochi: -interrumpiendo kozue- señorita como conoce a mi esposa?
T/N: todos los jueves nos hacemos las uñas y tomamos café en una cafetería cercana, ¿pero está bien?
Doppo orochi: si, mi preciosa natsue está bien.
T/N: oh…entonces no es tan malo, que pasa kozue.
Kosue: perdí a baki.
T/N: te dije, baki tiene el cuerpo de un dios griego pero el cerebro de un niño de 9 años que quiere pelear con el tipo mas grande para ser el rey de la caja de arena.
Kosue: no, nadie puede encontrarlo, estoy nerviosa.
T/N: -suspirar-bien…dame 20 minutos, besos -cuelga-
-20 minutos después-
T/N: hola
Kozue: lograste saber algo
T/N: si, baki actualmente está encerrado en la prisión de máxima seguridad de Arizona en estados unidos.
Todos: ¿QUE?
T/N: bueno, eso pasa cuando secuestras al presidente de los estados unidos frente a todos en el aniversario de la muerte del presidente john f. kenedy, no se preocupen mañana al medio día tomare un avión y traeré a baki de regreso ahora necesito mi sueño de belleza adios.
-con kozue y el resto-
Kozue: …bueno al menos baki volverá pronto.
Retsu: tu amiga puede hacer lo que dice.
Kozue: si, ella no puede, ella conoce a alguien que si y esa persona le debe un favor.
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